Welcome, my friend! I hope you are having a fantastic day. Are you currently searching for codes to unlock the full potential of your GE CL4 Universal Remote? Are you struggling to find the right codes for your GE CL4 Universal Remote Codes? Worry not, I know your GE Universal Remote is the key to unlocking a world of convenience in your home. With the correct codes, you’ll be able to control all of your devices with ease.
To make your life easier, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of all brands and devices that are compatible with Code List 4 (CL4) for the GE Universal Remote. This list will direct you to the codes you need to control your home entertainment system, like a precious thing.

But that’s not all! We’ve also included the best and simplest programming method to ensure that you can easily set up your remote and take full control of your home entertainment system.
Imagine being able to change the channel on your TV, adjust the volume on your sound system and even control your smart home devices, all with the press of a button. Your GE Universal Remote is here to make that a reality. So, don’t wait any longer and start enjoying the ultimate control over your home entertainment system!
GE CL4 Universal Remote Codes
So here is a comprehensive list of codes for all devices that are compatible with your universal remote. From TVs to sound systems, and even smart home devices, we have got you covered. We have also provided more than one code for each brand, so in case the first one doesn’t work, you can easily try another until you find the right one. No more guesswork or frustration, just easy and seamless control over all your home devices.
4 Digit GE CL4 Codes For TVs
TV Brand | Codes |
ABEX | 0401 |
ADA | 0461 |
ADMIRAL | 0371 0681 1441 1661 4991 |
ADVENT | 3261 0631 0871 2891 4931 0581 |
ADVENTURA | 0151 |
AFFINITY | 2361 2381 |
AIKO | 1011 4321 |
AIWA | 0411 0931 4731 4801 |
AKAI | 0191 5891 5901 5911 5921 6041 4151 3215 0331 4461 5141 5171 |
ALLERON | 1711 |
AMARK | 1441 |
AMES | 1275 |
AMTRON | 2191 |
AMW | 0645 0825 |
ANABA | 1375 |
ANAM NATIONAL | 0271 1941 2151 3451 2191 2331 3431 |
AOC | 4261 1961 |
APEX | 2521 6081 6101 0045 4841 0191 1891 0431 0425 0671 1025 1105 5111 0245 |
ARCHER | 1441 |
ARIA | 4101 |
ARIO | 1891 |
ASPECT | 1271 |
ATVIO | 2371 |
AUDIOVOX | 2191 2451 4031 4051 4521 |
AURIA | 1221 2121 1171 1411 |
AVENTURA | 0141 |
AXION | 0881 |
BANG & OLUFSEN | 1591 |
BELCOR | 0001 |
BLUESKY | 3511 3921 |
BRADFORD | 2191 |
CANDLE | 0001 0151 0961 1221 |
CAPEHART | 0391 4221 |
CELERA | 0191 |
CENTRIOS | 1361 |
CENTURION | 1221 |
CETRONIC | 1941 |
CHANGHONG | 4841 |
CHIMEI | 3071 |
CINERAL | 3511 4321 |
CITIZEN | 0001 0961 1221 1661 1941 2191 4321 |
CLAIRTONE | 0011 |
CLASSIC | 1941 4841 |
CLP | 0061 |
COBY | 3351 2521 2511 2531 5091 5191 2541 2551 |
COLORTYME | 0001 1221 1431 |
COLOR VOICE | 1431 |
CONCERTO | 0001 1221 |
CONCIERGE | 1771 1781 |
CONTEC | 0011 1911 1941 2191 |
CORNEA | 1471 |
CRAIG | 1941 2191 |
CTX | 1441 |
CURTIS | 2121 2141 2361 2371 5411 1881 1891 |
CXC | 1941 2191 |
DAEWOO | 1561 0001 0591 0721 0831 0971 1221 1231 1251 1431 1501 1521 1551 1941 2181 4321 4681 |
DAYTRON | 0001 1221 |
DELL | 0981 1401 3441 2041 3601 3811 |
DIGIMATE | 4301 |
DIGISTAR | 0381 0581 0871 1061 2451 2471 3901 |
DISNEY | 0371 1101 5391 |
DISTAR | 3231 |
DUKANE | 1271 1981 |
DUMONT | 0001 1771 1781 |
DURABRAND | 0371 0141 0861 0921 1381 2271 2291 5121 |
DYNASTY | 1941 |
DYNEX | 3141 5311 3161 0371 2891 |
ELECTROBAND | 0011 1901 |
ELECTROHOME | 0001 1221 1921 2151 3431 |
ELECTRON | 2121 |
ELEKTRA | 1661 |
ELEMENT | 5421 1091 6171 2401 1651 5471 5361 5341 2891 5831 1741 5841 6021 |
ELEMENT (ROKU TV) | 6171 |
ELITE VIDEO | 0901 |
EMERSON | 2761 5761 5231 5221 5831 5561 5421 4731 0201 0141 5741 0001 2891 1651 0231 0951 1551 5551 |
ENVISION | 1411 5401 0001 0071 1221 3751 4261 |
ESA | 0141 1381 |
FAVI | 2141 |
FIRE TV | 6091 |
FISHER | 5001 1261 1531 1581 1911 3481 |
FLUID | 2401 2421 2431 |
FUNAI | 0445 0141 0931 1711 1941 2191 4731 4761 |
FUTURETEC | 1941 2191 |
GATEWAY | 0501 |
GE (GENERAL ELECTRIC) | 4921 0141 0191 1001 0001 0041 0051 3451 0261 1221 0361 0791 1921 1951 2151 3431 4011 |
GFM | 0141 5831 |
GIBRALTER | 0001 1771 1781 |
GOLDSTAR | 0001 0611 0761 0931 1181 1221 1501 1911 4731 |
GPX | 4701 |
GRADIENTE | 0001 2291 3661 3951 3961 |
GRUNDY | 1711 2191 |
GVISION | 4871 |
HAIER | 6151 1221 6171 6141 5321 0921 1161 2141 2891 0671 1741 0861 3831 4851 |
HAIER (ROKU TV) | 6171 |
HALLMARK | 0001 1221 |
HANNSPREE | 5451 5461 5291 |
HARVARD | 2191 |
HAUPPAUGE | 3791 |
HELLO KITTY | 5391 |
HEWLETT PACKARD | 3491 4881 |
HISENSE | 6161 1651 6171 2081 5331 2891 2211 2141 1741 6001 5341 0001 0671 4391 |
HISENSE (ROKU TV) | 6171 2891 1741 |
HITACHI | 4331 1041 6171 0925 2891 1741 |
HITACHI (ROKU TV) | 6171 2891 1741 |
HKC | 5721 |
HP (HEWLETT PACKARD) | 3491 4881 |
HYUNDAI | 4651 |
ILO | 5171 1381 0371 3215 1141 2391 3691 4231 5031 5141 |
IMA | 2191 |
INFINITY | 4791 |
INFOCUS | 3421 6171 2891 1741 |
INITIAL | 4231 4821 5031 5041 |
INSIGNIA | 2891 0921 6171 6091 0371 2271 0141 1741 0581 0871 2241 6181 2921 3761 4371 4721 4761 5051 5061 5181 |
INSIGNIA (ROKU TV) | 6171 2891 1741 |
INTEGRA | 1841 |
INTEQ | 1771 1781 |
ISYMPHONY | 2141 3041 |
JANEIL | 0151 |
JCB | 1901 |
JC PENNEY | 0001 0051 0261 0791 0961 1221 1451 1911 1921 1951 4011 |
JENSEN | 2271 0001 1221 |
JVC | 5071 1481 6171 5781 0311 5281 0481 0771 2891 0901 1741 1281 1801 1911 |
JVC (ROKU TV) | 6171 |
KAWASAKI | 4741 |
KAWASHO | 0001 1221 1901 |
KAYPANI | 0391 4221 |
KDS | 5541 |
KEC | 2191 1941 |
KENWOOD | 0001 1221 |
KLH | 0191 |
KLOSS NOVABEAM | 0151 1021 |
KOGI | 4871 |
KONKA | 6181 4971 0471 0521 5891 1671 2191 2241 4621 |
KTV | 0011 1491 1681 1941 2191 |
KURAZAI | 1661 |
KWORLD | 2931 |
LASONIC | 1211 1611 4811 |
LEGEND | 1891 0581 |
LG | 6021 5511 0001 6171 3001 1911 1181 2891 1221 1741 |
LIQUIDVIDEO | 0881 1111 |
LODGENET | 1661 1691 2091 3421 4091 |
LOEWE | 1871 |
LOGIK | 1661 1691 3421 |
LUCE | 0301 |
LUXMAN | 0001 1221 |
LXI | 0001 0261 0931 1221 1691 4011 4731 |
MAG | 5541 |
MAGNAVOX | 5741 0141 4191 6171 4761 0975 4641 4261 2891 1741 |
MAJESTIC | 1661 1691 3421 |
MANHATTAN | 5381 |
MARANTZ | 0001 1221 1841 |
MAXENT | 0501 3361 |
MEDION | 1101 1141 2351 |
MEGATRON | 0001 1221 1271 |
MEI | 0011 |
MEMOREX | 1711 0001 0211 1221 1631 1661 2401 4251 5001 |
MGA | 0001 1221 1581 1711 1801 1911 1921 |
MIDLAND | 0051 0261 0811 1691 1781 4011 |
MINTEK | 4231 |
MINUTZ | 1951 |
MISAKAI | 1381 |
MITSUBISHI | 3271 1811 0251 0001 1221 1581 1711 1801 1921 2701 |
MONTGOMERY WARD | 1661 1691 3421 |
MOTEVA | 1261 3661 |
MOTOROLA | 1441 2151 3431 |
MTC | 0001 0011 0251 0351 1221 1311 |
MULTITECH | 2191 |
MYRON & DAVIS | 2101 |
NAD | 0001 0401 1221 1311 4021 |
NAXA | 1421 2141 |
NEC | 0001 0341 1221 1431 3451 1801 1841 2151 3431 4401 |
NET TV | 0121 0501 |
NEXXTECH | 0871 1201 |
NIKEI | 1941 |
NIKKO | 0001 1011 1221 4321 |
NIKO | 3581 |
NORCENT | 0511 0671 2181 |
NTC | 1011 4321 |
ÖLEVIA | 3081 2771 2791 5151 5161 |
ONCOMMAND | 1861 3991 |
ONKING | 1941 |
ONKYO | 3101 |
ONN | 5961 6171 2891 1741 |
ONN (ROKU TV) | 6171 |
ONWA | 1941 2191 |
OPTIMUS | 0401 1571 3551 4021 5201 |
OPTOMA | 3121 2441 |
OPTONICA | 0341 1441 |
ORION | 0371 0281 1771 1781 |
PANASONIC | 5821 6231 1571 5201 5531 5561 |
PHILCO | 2321 0141 0001 0321 0961 1021 3451 1221 1801 1671 2151 2941 3431 3931 |
PHILIPS | 6221 0181 6171 5741 6051 2891 0201 0911 1741 3981 4261 |
PHILIPS (ROKU TV) | 6171 |
PHILIPS-MAGNAVOX | 0681 0911 2321 4791 4991 |
PILOT | 0001 |
PIONEER | 0401 1221 1981 0001 1371 1511 1841 4021 4661 |
PIVA | 2411 5021 |
PLANAR | 4251 |
POLAROID | 2401 5541 4631 0191 5411 1961 0581 2271 6101 2311 2451 5131 |
PORTLAND | 0001 0251 1011 1081 1221 1551 |
PRECISION | 0621 |
PRICE CLUB | 0351 |
PRIMA | 0381 0581 0631 0871 2451 |
PRISM | 0051 |
PROSCAN | 2131 5421 5781 5881 4191 0221 1651 2361 1731 2761 2141 2371 2381 0261 2061 2301 4011 |
PROTON | 0001 0391 0641 1221 1911 2231 4211 4221 4271 |
PROTRON | 3731 4301 |
PROVIEW | 2401 2421 2431 |
PULSAR | 0001 1771 1781 |
PYLE | 3331 |
Recommended: GE Universal Remote CL4 Codes For Roku
QUASAR | 3551 1091 0051 1491 1571 3451 2151 3431 5201 |
RADIO SHACK | 0001 0341 0931 1001 1221 1701 1571 1911 1941 2191 4731 4921 |
RCA | 0131 0001 1001 6171 4931 2361 1731 4921 2481 0691 3431 2891 2121 1741 5781 2131 2371 3571 2381 2141 1521 2011 5961 |
RCA (ROKU TV) | 6171 |
REALISTIC | 0001 0341 0931 1001 1221 1571 1701 1911 1941 2191 4731 |
RHAPSODY | 0011 |
ROKU TV | 6171 6001 2891 1741 |
RUNCO | 1771 1781 1841 |
SAMPO | 0001 0121 0391 0501 1221 1911 4221 |
SAMSUNG | 5791 5801 3301 |
SAMSUX | 1221 |
SAMTRON | 0351 |
SANSUI | 2891 5411 5241 0211 1381 1631 5851 5861 5871 6051 6061 6071 5551 |
SANTECA | 0171 |
SANYO | 1161 5261 6171 2891 5251 1741 |
SANYO (ROKU TV) | 6171 |
SCEPTRE | 4071 3521 1071 5111 5321 4101 |
SEARS | 0001 0211 0261 1221 1581 1711 1911 4011 4761 |
SEIKI | 1263 5751 6091 |
SELECTRON | 2471 2491 2501 |
SHARP | 6011 6001 5341 6171 3191 5941 2891 1741 0001 4105 |
SHAW | 0514 1524 2734 |
SHAW DIRECT | 2734 |
SIGNATURE | 0594 |
SKY NETWORK | 0053 0133 1363 1593 1673 1743 1753 1783 1793 |
SONIC BLUE | 1272 |
SONY | 0113 0353 0773 1162 1302 2865 2985 3055 |
STANDARD | 0364 |
STAR CHOICE | 2734 0163 0323 0633 1563 1583 |
STARCOM | 0314 |
STAR SIGHT | 0863 0244 |
STS | 0383 0583 0663 |
SUPER GUIDE | 0513 |
SUREWEST | 1854 1954 |
SYLVANIA | 1903 |
TANDY | 0974 |
TELEVIEW | 0014 |
TELSAT | 1723 |
TEXSCAN | 0364 |
THOMSON | 1834 0803 1753 |
TIME WARNER | 1254 0824 1424 1404 0514 0694 1523 |
TOCOM | 0004 0444 0504 0634 0934 1034 |
TOSHIBA | 0063 0143 0303 0443 0623 0713 0743 0973 1133 1735 0154 1745 2145 3325 |
TVA | 1703 |
ULTIMATE TV | 0333 0553 0873 |
UNIDEN | 0693 0823 0863 |
UNIKA | 0264 0334 0474 |
UNITED | 1663 |
UNIVERSAL | 0054 0264 0334 0474 0564 0944 1044 |
V-TECH | 1813 |
VERIZON | 1283 2033 1404 0684 0824 1523 0514 |
VIDEO TECH | 0454 |
VIDEOTRON | 1404 1523 1574 |
VIDEOWAY | 0034 |
VIEWSAT | 1803 |
VIEWSTAR | 0084 0094 0224 0974 1064 1074 |
VISIONTEC | 1693 |
VOOM | 2734 2971 |
WOW | 1964 |
XFINITY | 1544 1404 1554 1283 0824 0514 0684 |
ZENITH | 0023 0123 0153 0253 0293 0313 0733 1593 0114 0474 0154 0524 0584 0624 0644 |
4 Digit GE CL4 Codes For DVD Player
DVD Brand | Codes |
APEX | 0852 1025 |
BROKSONIC | 0015 0211 0695 |
DAEWOO | 1385 |
EMERSON | 0412 0432 0445 |
FISHER | 0405 0472 |
FUNAI | 0412 0432 0445 |
GO-VIDEO | 0255 0415 0565 1385 |
HITACHI | 0925 0432 |
INSIGNIA | 0562 0205 & 0182 |
JVC | 2025 0692 0755 1145 |
LG | 4285 0562 0635 |
MAGNAVOX | 0445 0412 1045 |
PANASONIC | 0552 0595 |
PHILIPS | 0342 0412 1045 0445 1372 |
PIONEER | 1775 |
POLAROID | 1025 |
RCA | 0915 0162 |
SAMSUNG | 2485 1725 0255 1662 |
SANYO | 2215 |
SANSUI | 0015 0211 0695 |
SEARS | 0015 0211 |
SONY | 2865 0832 |
SYMPHONIC | 0412 0432 0445 0975 |
TECHWOOD | 1985 |
TOSHIBA | 0115 0682 0735 3075 |
ZENITH | 0205 0182 |
Recommended: GE Universal Remote Codes For Sanyo DVD Player
4 Digit GE CL4 Codes For Audio Device
Audio Device Brand | Codes |
AIWA | 0586 |
APPLE iPOD | 0186 |
BOSE | 1475 0886 1237 1606 |
CARVER | 0197 |
CENTRIOS | 1116 1546 |
CRITERION | 0785 |
DELPHI | 0376 |
DENON | 0316 1046 1136 |
DURABRAND | 1476 |
FISHER | 0026 0826 |
GOLDSTAR | 0216 |
HARMAN KARDON | 0016 0436 |
INSIGNIA | 0725 |
iPOD | 0066 |
JBL | 1926 |
JVC | 1826 0676 0155 0566 |
JWL | 1126 |
KENWOOD | 1596 0426 0616 0497 1016 |
KOSS | 0215 |
MAGNAVOX | 0026 0206 0295 0226 1266 |
MARANTZ | 0036 0437 |
NAD | 0496 0766 |
NEXXTECH | 0725 1116 |
NORCENT | 0835 |
ONKYO | 1376 1186 1256 0996 |
OPTIMUS | 0006 0386 0506 0896 1446 1486 |
PANASONIC | 1236 0056 0126 0746 0796 0876 1066 1096 1346 1436 1466 |
PHILIPS | 1196 1196 0026 0036 0197 0265 1066 1266 1576 |
PIONEER | 0266 0356 0407 0476 0896 1106 1446 1496 1506 2675 |
RADIO SHACK | 0006 0166 0176 0236 0247 0266 0626 0356 0476 0507 1316 1446 1486 1506 |
RCA | 0146 0176 0196 0266 0276 0326 0356 0476 0626 0736 0786 0866 0906 0986 1165 1207 1276 1286 1306 1316 1326 1336 1506 |
REALISTIC | 0946 |
REGENT | 1476 |
RIO | 0286 3885 |
SABA | 0995 |
SAMSUNG | 0075 |
SANYO | 0157 1156 1166 1176 |
SCOTT | 0396 |
SHARP | 1216 0556 0756 1267 1626 |
SHERWOOD | 0236 0247 |
SIRIUS | 1247 1267 |
SONY | 0416 1086 1226 0046 0106 0406 0256 0296 0546 0636 1006 1076 1426 1456 1586 |
TEAC | 0156 0297 0306 0346 |
TECHNICS | 0056 0126 0796 1066 1096 1436 |
TEVION | 0785 |
VENTURER | 0086 |
XM RADIO | 0376 |
YAMAHA | 0287 0446 0596 0706 0806 0836 1146 1536 |
ZENITH | 0026 0096 0216 0217 0286 0506 3885 |
VIZIO | 1636 1646 |
4 Digit GE CL4 Codes For Sound Bar
Sound Bar Brand | Codes |
BOSE | 0466 |
BOSTON | 1616 |
COBY | 1656 1666 |
DENON | 1676 1686 |
HITACHI | 1706 |
ILIVE | 0816 |
INSIGNIA | 0416 0336 0246 1246 |
JBL | 1386 1726 1736 1746 |
JVC | 1826 0676 1896 |
LG | 0696 1846 |
MAXELL | 1056 |
ONKYO | 1766 |
PHILIPS | 0916 0966 0936 1026 |
PINNACLE | 0486 |
PIONEER | 1786 |
POLK AUDIO | 0136 0516 1206 |
RCA | 0146 |
SAMSUNG | 0526 0686 1036 |
SANDSTROM | 1406 1906 |
SANYO | 1916 |
SHARP | 0756 0116 |
SONY | 1456 0416 0536 0856 1876 1856 |
TOSHIBA | 1806 |
VIZIO | 0666 1866 |
YAMAHA | 1536 0456 1146 0576 0716 0726 |
How To Program GE CL4 Universal Remote?
You’ve got the codes, now it’s time to bring your devices under the control of your GE CL4 Universal Remote. But where do you start? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. With our step-by-step guide, programming your devices with your GE Universal Remote has never been easier.
Follow these simple steps and you’ll be controlling your home entertainment system with the press of a button in no time:
- Turn on the device you want to program.
- Press and hold the “Setup” button for almost three seconds.
- Press the “Device” button (TV, DVD, CBL/SAT, etc.) on the universal remote that you want to program.
- Enter the code for your device found in the code list.
- Test the Power button, if it does not turn off the device, repeat steps 2-4 with the next code for the device.
- Repeat steps 1-5 for each device you want to program.
And that’s it! With these easy steps, you’ll be able to program all your devices with your GE Universal Remote and enjoy the ultimate control over your home entertainment system. Happy programming!
With a GE Universal remote, you’ll now have complete control over all your devices, making it easy to adjust the volume, change the channel, or even power everything off with the touch of a button. It’s truly a blessing and makes your life more enjoyable.
And thanks to the codes and programming instructions we’ve provided, setting up your remote is a breeze. No more flipping through pages of a manual, trying to decipher confusing instructions. Just a few simple steps and you’ll be ready to go.
And if you have any suggestions or feedback, we’re all ears. We want to make sure you have the best experience possible, so please leave your comments below.
How do I pair my GE 4 universal remote?
Codes for the GE Universal Remote + Programming Instructions … you want to pair with the remote while enjoying. The indicator light will turn “RED” if you hold the “Setup” button for a few seconds. Select the button for the coordinating device, such as “TV,” “DVD,” or “AUX.” Enter the 3-digit or 4-digit Ge universal remote control codes.
What does the GE universal remote’s ABCD buttons do?
These buttons can be used to operate a cable or satellite set-top box or advanced DVR features on GE, Philips, and UltraPro remote controls. It is not possible to program the ABCD buttons. They work according to the DVR or set-top box you’ve set up in your remote.